Every career option had numerous advantages so it can be difficult to narrow your choices down to find the job that is right for you. If you have a passion for something specific, you may choose to pursue that career choice, but many people are unsure of which area of study they should focus on. If you’re looking for a stable career that gives you a good balance between work and personal life, an accounting career could be ideal. Here are three advantages of pursuing an accounting degree.
The Job Field Is Stable and Growing
Because every company needs an accounting department, you never have to worry about having limited job options if you choose to be an accountant. The field is one of the most stable because it is vital for all businesses. You also have several options for job paths. You can choose to work for yourself and be a personal accountant or you can join an accounting firm and find new financial solutions for a wide variety of clients. Finally, you can join a company and work in the accounting department to keep track of its finances. A good accounting program will provide you with the skills you need to pursue any of these options.
You Can Earn a Good Living
As with any career choice, your annual salary as an accountant will vary depending upon where you choose to work and how much experience you have. The more experience you have, the more money you will make. You may have to settle for entry-level position as an accountant with a company right after graduation, but you can expect to earn an annual salary of $50,000 after your first year. Once you have ten years of experience, you can earn up to $65,000 per year. These earnings may be even higher if you work for yourself and set your own fees. Because accounting has such a good salary outlook, it is an excellent career choice.
You Can Work Anywhere
One major concern for every career is the ability to transfer. If you ever need to relocate for any reason, you need to know that you can find a new job quickly and easily. Accounting is a job that can be done from anywhere so you never have to worry about limited options. Some accounting jobs can even be done from home so you can have an even better balance between your work and personal life. If this career option is appealing to you, you can learn more.
While a career in accounting may not be the most exciting, job opportunity, it does offer several significant benefits. It is a stable job in a growing field and allows you to pursue an accounting job in any industry. Because you never have to worry about limited job openings and can expect to earn a good salary, you can be confident that you can always provide for your family if you choose a career as an accountant. If you are trying to decide which career option is best for you, consider getting an accounting degree.